Your pass will renew automatically on the same day each month. You can check your renewal date at any time in your order confirmation email, or on the My Passes section of your account. If you have any questions, please email
Articles in this section
- What is a Monthly+ Pass?
- How do I stop my Monthly+ Pass from renewing?
- When will my pass renew?
- Can I pause my Monthly+ Pass?
- How do I resume my Monthly+ Pass after I’ve paused it?
- How do I get access to online classes with my Monthly+ Pass?
- I’ve set my Monthly+ Pass to pause or cancel but I’ve changed my mind, is there anything I can do?
- My Monthly+ Pass has renewed, and I can’t use it this month, can I get a refund?
- Can I upgrade or downgrade my Monthly+ Pass?
- Why do I need ID to access the gym with my Monthly+ Pass?