There are 2 pass types that you can sell through Hussle:
- Day Passes
- Monthly+ (multi-club access) - the most valuable pass on Hussle
The Monthly+ pass is directly linked to day passes, therefore, we cannot delete/cancel/remove day passes without affecting the Monthly+ pass.
- Gives customers access to a specific gym for 1 visit
The Day Pass price is set at 90% of your existing guest pass price. This is the basis of how we pay you.
Day Pass customers are typically trying venues before joining or want ad hoc usage due to their location or flexible fitness needs.
The pass will expire after 30 days.
- The Monthly+ is priced above your rolling membership cost to ensure it’s always higher than your direct price.
- This pass is for customers that want to use multiple venues on a regular basis. It can be used at gyms with the same price or less.
- People who use our Monthly+ use it for the multi-club aspect that traditional gym memberships can't offer. Considering more companies have adopted the hybrid workplace model, this option attracts a lot of people.
- This pass is a high usage, short tenure product (3 months average) - if the customer no longer has the need for multiple sites, they will join you directly.
- The passcode will renew monthly unless the customer cancels the pass.
- This pass makes up over 50% of the clubs' revenue and we find that clubs get the most out of the Hussle platform when they offer the full range of products.
- This pass provides a steady stream of revenue, growing at three times the rate of all other pass types combined.
The more products you have, the better your conversion rate and ranking on the website are.